I share with the entire community of St.Vincent's the photos that give you an idea of Christmas in Nanpol. Before The Christmas Eve Mass, we had organized a mini-concert under the direction of Géranel Charles, our seminarian and Miss Rose Kendy Joseph. The various groups of the parish Young Christians on the March (JCM), Missionary Children (TM/EM) and the Parish Choir Friends of St Paul (CPASP), as well as other faithful participated to brighten up Christmas Eve. Immediately after the mini-concert it was Christmas Mass. And the next morning around 8:30 a.m. we celebrated Christmas Day Mass. We give thanks to God for these wonders. There were a lot of people - and especially catechized children - in both Masses. Usually people don't come to vesperal celebrations. But this year there were many. Thank God. I hope you had some beautiful celebrations also at St Vincent's that help us raise our souls to Heaven. There is not a way of not celebrating Christmas without meeting Christ. We prayed for our sisters and brothers at St Vincent's. Thank you also for your prayers for us in Nanpol, but also and especially for Haiti, which has been living through trouble for more than three months. But we are also sure that the Christmas celebration will be an opportunity for the country to regain peace and justice. In the meantime, there has been an apparent calm since the beginning of December all over the country. Just a truce. But armed gangs continue activity in the country, everywhere. Fear ... My greetings and blessings to all of you at St Vincent's. Let us remain united in prayer. Your brother in Christ from Nanpol, Haiti.
Dear brothers and sisters, The situation in Haiti today is very tense and widespread. Today October 17, 2019 is reminiscent of the 213th anniversary of the death of Dessalines, founder of our homeland. However, in all the cities of the country the demonstrators march on the streets to demand the departure, the resignation of the president who resists, because according to him it would be irresponsible on his part. Even though his silence annoys the people as much as his tardy speech ignites anger. Because of it the country is stuck. It's dangerous to get out. When I returned to Nanpol on Saturday, I did not take the time to stock up properly for the presbytery. Because, I was expecting the situation to change. But it's going from bad to worse. I look with pity on those people in the village who can not even go about their customary business, out of fear. They can no longer go to the market in Marchand, Saint Michel, Cap-Haitien ... If there are any who try to go there they are ransomed en route. All this only increases the despair in the country. It looks like a cursed country! The political opposition, including parliamentarians (Senators and MPs) do not support the executive branch (the president). In fact, it is difficult to believe in one camp or another. Their wives and children live in the United States of America. Therefore, they do not care if the schools are closed and the children of the poor deprived of education. Their strength is in keeping the people in misery and poverty. The people are hungry, the people are thirsty. Nanpol screams his desolation. Looking at the reality of today, I want to cry like the psalmist: “where will the help come for us? But I know in whom I put my faith: help will come to us from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth.” For all things are possible to the Most High God. Pray for us We pray for you too.