Dear Friends,
Our patron, the great Saint Vincent
de Paul, preached the importance of
“personal service” to the poor. You
follow that practice. This Christmas
Season your generosity was
admirable. The Food Drive, Coats
and Sweaters, and the Giving Tree,
brought joy to families in Paterson,
Elizabeth, Newark, and other
Generosity is a way of life. The
strategy of focusing on the specific
needs of specific people enables us to
understand the “second greatest
commandment” to love our
neighbors as ourselves.
You a loving people! Thank you
so much for your energetic
commitment to personally serve the
With great appreciation,
Father Hernan
Our Bridges Run ministry has changed recipients! We will now be making lunches (cold cut sandwiches + brown bag with fruit and snacks) for St Joseph Social Service Center in Elizabeth. We will continue to work with the same format: kindly asking for your donations using perfect potluck and/or your help to make the sandwiches.
The dates we will be preparing sandwiches are
Saturday 1/18/25, 3/1/25 and 4/12/25.
St. Vincent de Paul Parish joins with St. Mary’s Stony Hill in Watchung in offering bereavement sessions monthly on Saturday mornings at 10AM at the Parish Center at St. Mary's Parish. If you have lost a loved one recently or in prior years, come join us for coffee and fellowship. For more details contact the Parish Office.